March 9, 2025

How To Prepare for Your Corrective Eye Surgery

Getting ready for your corrective eye surgery? First, congratulations on choosing to have laser vision correction in Los Angeles! Just one step away for an improved vision! Before setting up an appointment, make sure you are well prepared. Don’t stress yourself, here are some tips that might help you out!


  • Ensure you are a good candidate for corrective eye surgery


Make sure that your eyes have been properly evaluated by an eye care professional whether if you are fitted for this type of laser vision correction in Los Angeles. Not everyone can undergo this type of corrective eye surgery that’s why a series of eye tests should be performed.


  • Make sure you inform your doctor about your health status


Feel comfortable to discuss your health condition with your doctor. Any information you’ll provide might have an impact on them to better perform the corrective eye surgery. Both past and present history is relevant including any medications you are into and your family history.


  • Set the date and free yourself from any activity


It is important that you are well prepared on the day of your corrective eye surgery. File a leave if you have work during that day. Mark your calendar and set your alarm. The procedure itself will take 15-20mins only but it is best to let your eyes rest after.


Once your doctor qualified you for this procedure, get ready by checking some more tips here:


  • Switch from contact lenses to glasses


Stay away from wearing contact lenses because some types of which can distort the shape of the cornea causing incorrect measurements that affecting the result. Switch to glasses instead for at least a day or a week depending on the condition of your eye. Ask your doctor about it.


  • Avoid any eye makeup and eye creams


Skip wearing any eye makeup on the day of your surgery and avoid using eye creams the night before or during the day itself.


  • Avoid using lotions or perfume


During the days leading up to your scheduled appointment, start avoiding the usage of lotions, perfumes and even face moisturizers or foundation. Clear up your skin, ensuring it is chemical-free.


  • Wear comfortable outfit


Choose a comfortable outfit depending on the condition of the weather. Avoid wearing clothes that have loose fibers, just to prevent any instance that it may go to your eyes.


Now you are ready to go! You might also consider downloading podcasts, something that can calm and relax you. If you have other concerns, reach out to your doctor and clarify things up! Enjoy a clear vision after your corrective eye surgery!