March 9, 2025

Eye Muscles and How They Relate to LASIK

When it comes to LASIK in Los Angeles, the most defining constant about the procedure is how the cornea is cut and manipulated to help adjust a person’s eyes. With the right incisions and flaps made, it can make all the difference in restoring the patient’s proper vision. There are muscles under the cornea that also factor into how one’s sight is affected. Let’s find out more.


Oblique eye muscles


The two tiny eye muscles that fall under this category are the superior and inferior oblique. The former muscle is responsible for moving your eye inward so that your eye can look towards the center of your face and near your nose. On the other hand, the inferior oblique moves your gaze upwards. It’s a simple function but is crucial when it comes to the entire movement of your eye as a whole.


Rectus eye muscles


Four small muscles fall under this category and are connected to the fibrous tissue. They are all interconnected and share different tasks. The superior rectus assists the inferior oblique in looking upwards and is located on the top of your eye. Meanwhile, the inferior rectus is what helps your eye move downward whenever needed. On the other hand, the lateral and medial rectus has the function of rolling your eyes away and towards your body, respectively.




These muscles are crucial for your eye to have a free range of movement and function. The cornea goes in front of them to act as a lens that will let you see. A protective layer shields these muscles from harm, like skin protecting your flesh. So when you undergo laser eye surgery in Los Angeles, it’s safe to say that due to the cutting and manipulation of the said cornea, your eye as a whole is going to be vulnerable. This reason is why following your doctor’s advice on acting in the first few weeks of LASIK is essential.


Eye exercise


Once you’ve recovered from your LASIK in Los Angeles, you’ll want to shake off the cobwebs for your eyes and muscles to work out any kinks in their systems. You can do this by blinking and flexing your eyes to test just how tender they may be while using a cold and warm compress for your eyes to relax. These exercise methods can help you get over vision issues faster than you might initially consider. 




The complexities of the eye are always fascinating when one considers just how much goes into their composition, much like how one might not truly understand LASIK eye surgery cost. Understanding all these muscle factors and how they tie into one another can help you grasp not only why LASIK may be necessary in some cases but how you can efficiently recover from it.