March 9, 2025

Understanding Astigmatism And Why It Might Necessitate LASIK

The importance of understanding what exactly could be wrong with your eyes could be the key to knowing just what type of laser eye surgery procedure would best fit you. Such a statement can be particularly true if you suffer from the eye condition of astigmatism, given how it can directly affect the shape and size of your cornea, which can, in turn, affect the way you see. Let’s find out what exactly causes such a condition, its result, and what the treatment may be for you.



A sharp curve usually in certain parts of the eye, such as the lens or cornea causes astigmatism. And if the cornea is bent in such a way, your vision is most definitely going to be affected since it helps you process light and protects the inner parts of your eyes. And with the light of your eye filtered through two points of your retina, problems are going to be easy. 



When you suffer from a more severe case of astigmatism, you will have symptoms such as eye-straining and headaches. Eye-straining can be even worse if you have to look at something in particular for an extended period, extending the pain and discomfort. Predictably, you will also have a form of distorted and blurred vision that could impair your ability to see clearly and clearly in the dark, like when driving. If you happen to rely primarily on driving such a condition can be lethal if you let the circumstances get to that point. 



If you’re indeed suffering from a more severe type of astigmatism, you’re going to most likely need LASIK Los Angeles to help cope with the issue permanently:

  • LASIK: With a laser to cut a flap open on a person’s cornea, the eye can reshape so that the acute angle no longer plagues the patient.
  • LASEK: Through this procedure, the angled corneal layer is removed and then replaced with a more productive layer.
  • PRK: By removing some of the cornea’s outer layers, this eye layer reforms to suit better whatever shape it needs to be.


Types of Astigmatism

There are still many factors to be understood about astigmatism. One of such factors is that there are a few different variations of astigmatism. 

  • Hyperopic Astigmatism: If you have a curved cornea that causes farsightedness in conjunction with the curve created by your astigmatism, your sight will struggle mightily.
  • Myopic Astigmatism: When you have two curves in the cornea focused on the front of the retina, you have this condition due to the combo of regular astigmatism and near-sightedness. 
  • Mixed Astigmatism: This happens when one curve is far-sighted, and the other is near-sighted, creating a duality of eye-sight that can wreak havoc on your vision.



There’s no denying that astigmatism can be a nagging problem for those looking to improve their sight. Though you could find temporary solutions by getting contacts and glasses, weighing your chances in corrective eye surgery can pay massive dividends in ways you might not initially consider.